Offered Listings
Goods BEDDING One single memory foam mattress 40 locks • OLD SHEETS, good as dust sheets or for covering furniture for painting/decoration four locks each • 6 bed PILLOWS five locks each not used, cotton cover removable and washable. All clean and in good condition. Should you not receive an e-mail response quickly from me, please leave message on home tel no 0207 209 0407. Books for sale CLOTHES • DRESSING GOWN 14 locks, smart, size 16, zip on the side, worn 1/2 times, forty locks • SUMMER SCARF: rust colour not used, 6 locks. Clothes size is medium. All clean and in good condition. Please leave message on home tel no 0207 209 0407 should you not receive an e-mail response quickly from me. Clothes Futon - single Hand quilted double bedcover silver/grey and cream/white HOUSEHOLD ITEMS • CHAIRS, 2 white painted wood, each 10 locks • BLIND, cotton, natural colour 80cm wide, 170cm drop, not used, 20 locks • BLIND cotton , natural colour 124 cm wide, 170cm drop, not used, 30 locks • BLIND, bamboo, natural colour, 60cm wide, 160cm drop, not used, can be trimmed to size, 15 locks • BLIND, PVC, white, 60cm wide, 152cm drop,10 locks • All the blinds are venetian style with strings and complete with fittings • CLOTHES HANGING RACK, metal, big, on wheels 20 locks • WIRE MESH, 30cm X 50cm five locks, WIRE MESH, 56cm X 100cm, ten locks • 5 square sheets of MIRROR 34cm X 34cm, each 5 locks • METAL STOOL, ideal for the garden 5 locks • Stainless steel BREAD BIN, 8 locks • PAINT vinyl silk, for bathroom/kitchen - water and condensation resistant. Colour: Permaglaze/McPherson 1585 very gentle yellow, enough for 13-15 square meters, dries in 3 hours 20 locks • GARDEN TABLES 2 white plastic, complete with legs and screws to put them up, round table 85cm across 25 locks, square table 80cm wide 25 locks. All clean and in good condition. Should you not receive an e-mail response quickly from me, please leave message on home tel no 0207 209 0407. PERSONAL ITEMS • SOFT TISSUE CAPS ideal for beauty treatment or massage to protect the client's hair and keep it out of the way while working, white, at least 20 of them five locks • FLOOR EXERCISE MAT: 50cm x 101cm 12 locks • WEIGHTS for physical training, two @ 8 locks each. All clean and in good condition. Please leave message on home tel no 0207 209 0407 should you not receive an e-mail response quickly from me. RUGS CARPET rolled up, NEW, not used, light blue colour, wool 216cm long and 176cm wide. Retail price £25/meter square. 100 locks All clean and in good condition. Please leave message on home tel no 0207 209 0407 should you not receive an e-mail response quickly from me. Trampoline |